Books October 16, 2022October 16, 2022| e-library_admine-library_admin| 0 Comment | 7:22 pm Categories: MIGRATION TEXTBOOK We live in an age of migration. A greater number of people than View product. MIGRATION CURRICULUM The Curriculum was developed based on the Migration Textbook produced within the EU-funded View product. Introduction to Migration Studies Developing a Road Map for Engaging Diasporas in Development. A handbook for policymakers and practitioners in home and host countries, IOM, MPI, 2012 Convention on International Civil Aviation, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), 2017 Relations between Immigration and Integration Policies in Europe. Challenges, Opportunities and Perspectives in Selected EU Member States Rethinking Migration and Return in Southeastern Europe. Albanian Mobilities to and from Italy and Greece Children on the Move: The Health of Refugee, Immigrant and Displaced Children Migration and Global Health The Politics of Climate Change Knowledge. Labelling Climate Change-induced Uprooted People Migration Borders Freedom Children, Human Rights and Temporary Labour Migration Skilled Labor Mobility and Migration Labour, Mobility and Informal Practices in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe International Labour Migration to Europe’s Rural Regions Sex, Slavery and the Trafficked Woman. Myths and Misconceptions about Trafficking and its Victims Mobilising the Racialised 'Others'. Postethnic Activism, Neoliberalisation and Racial Politics Vigilantism against Migrants and Minorities Migration, equality & racism. 44 opinions Labor Versus Empire Violence. Situation, Speciality, Politics, and Storytelling Noncitizenism. Recognizing noncitizen capabilities in a world of citizens Refugees and Knowledge Production. Europe's Past and Present Refugees and the Ethics of Forced Displacement Forced Migration in the Feminist Imagination Transcultural Movements Migration Control and Access to Welfare Adult Language Education and Migration. Challenging agendas in policy and practice